Program > Day 2 - Friday July 7


Friday, July 7th


9:00 - 9:30         Registration/Information Table

 Location: Aula Magna


9:30 - 11:00        Session 1

1A. Locality and Leisure

Arthur Charlesworth, City, University of London, “A Cheap Night Out: The Currency of Knowingness in Renton Nicholson’s Town (1837-42)”

Laura Fiss, Michigan Technological University, “’Local Intelligence’ of a Public Reader: Currents of George Grossmith, Sr.’s Tours”

Barbara Korte, University of Freiburg, “Victorian Tourism and the Periodical Press: Entangled Currents”

Location: MRSH - Salle des Actes (SH 027)

Chair : Honor Rieley


1B. Periodical Undercurrents: Swimming Against the Mainstream Magazines

Chloé Clement, University of Angers, “’An outstretched hand’: Entering the Current of the British Suffrage Movement with the Women's Suffrage Journal

Marion Tempest Grant, York University, “Charting Undercurrents in the Victorian Periodical Press: Recovering and Recognizing the Contributions of Women to British Little Magazines”

Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Toronto Metropolitan University, “Undercurrents in Fin- de-Siècle Bayswater andContemporary Periodicals Scholarship: Launching The Venture: An Annual of Art and Literature

Location: MRSH - Lecture Hall - Also accessible online (Zoom)

Chair : Sara Lodge


1C. Stimulant Stories: Community, Belief and the Impact of Fiction in Periodicals

Deborah Canavan, National Maritime Museum, “Sailing against the Current: Sobering Stories of Jolly Jack Tar”

Flore Janssen, Utrecht University, “Crosscurrents: Stories of Salvation in Religious and Radical Periodicals”

Steven Spencer, Birkbeck, University of London, “‘A slave to story reading’: Fiction in the Salvation Army’s Periodical Press”

Location: Building B - Room B1 - 206a

Chair : Flore Janssen


1D. The Indian Ocean: Anglo-Indian Crosscurrents

Tarini Bhamburkar, University of Bristol, “Locating a 'Purdah Party' in an Indian Women's Victorian Periodical”

Priti Joshi, University of Puget Sound, “ImagiNATION: Victoria and Hind in Illustrated Indian Periodicals”

Rinu Koshy, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, “’Writings to the Metropole’: A Study of the Representations of

Plague-stricken Bombay in the British Periodicals of the Late Nineteenth Century”

Location: Building B - Room B1 - 206b

Chair : Camille Stallings


1E. Archival Undercurrents

Alexis Easley & Cecilia Becicka, University of St. Thomas, “Victorian Authorship, Geography, and Gender: Insights from the Chambers’s Archive”

Kenneth Haynes, Brown University, “An Index of Pseudonyms and Initialisms in Notes and Queries

Marie Léger-St-Jean, Radboud University, “Sustainability Beyond Passion Projects: Seeing Digital Humanities as Data Rather than Websites”

Location: Building B - Room B1 - 206c

Chair : Fionnuala Dillane


11:00 - 11:30       Break

Location: Aula Magna


11:30 - 1:00        Session 2

2A. Roundtable - A Crossover between Media: The Punch Pocket Book (1843-1881), from Material to Digital.

Françoise Baillet, University of Caen Normandy

Sonja Lawrenson, Manchester Metropolitan University

Emma Liggins, Manchester Metropolitan University

Location: MRSH - Salle des Actes (SH 027)

Chair : Françoise Baillet


2B. The Press, Sensation, and Social Unrest

Stephen Donovan, Uppsala University “Inside Stories: Undercover Journalism and the Victorian Prison”

Matthew Rubery, Queen Mary University of London, “Undercover Mother: Investigating Britain’s 'Baby Farming' Epidemic”

Jessica R. Valdez, University of East Anglia, “Sensational Neutrality: Adjudicating the Taiping Rebellion in The North China Herald

Location: MRSH - Lecture Hall - Also accessible online (Zoom)

Chair : Clare Stainthorp


2C. Trades and Institutions

Mila Daskalova, University of Glasgow, “Passing the Hours: Measuring and Recording Time through Victorian Asylum Periodicals”

Beth Gaskell, British Library, “The Currency of the Past: Regimental Journals, Esprit de Corps, and Shared Remembrance”

Helen Goodman, Bath Spa University, “‘What is an emotion?’: Bodily, Interdisciplinary and Transatlantic Currents in Early Psychiatric Periodicals

Location: Building B - Room B1 - 206a

Chair : Kristin Kondrlik


2D. News & Current Affairs

Rebecca Boylan, Georgetown University, “The Periodical Currency in Yesterday's News Story: Hardy's Scrapbook of Clips

Laurel Brake, Birkbeck, University of London, “Candour in English Fiction? Press Censorship and the News Agenda 1885-1890”

Georgina Gale, University of Glasgow & University of Stirling, “Blame him (in)Stead: How British Newspapers Manipulated Australian News to Indict ‘Maiden Tribute’ in a Family Tragedy”

Location: Building B - Room B1 - 206b

Chair : Catherine Waters


2E. The Atlantic Ocean: Black Atlantic Crosscurrents

Teja Varma Pusapati, Shiv Nadar Institute of Eminence, “Currents and Crosscurrents in the Abolitionist Press: Harriet Martineau’s Correspondence for New York’s National Anti-Slavery Standard

Ardyn Tennyson, University of Roehampton, “Edward Blyden and Pan-Africanism in Late-Victorian English and British West African Newspapers”

Mary L. Shannon, University of Roehampton, “Circumatlantic Currents in Print and Periodicals: or, Billy Waters and Black Celebrity”

Location: Building B - Room B1 - 206c

Chair : Priti Joshi


1:00 - 2:00         Lunch               

Location: Aula Magna


1:00 - 2:00         RSVP Planning Committee Meeting (and lunch)

Location: MRSH - Lecture Hall


2:00 - 3:30         Session 3

3A.  Transnational Circulations (Online)

Laura Diaz-Esteve, Spanish National Research Council (2pm CET), “Against Britain’s ‘American Cousins’: the Singapore Free Press and the Spanish-American War”

Onur Engin, Independent Scholar (3pm TRT), “From Illustration to Photography: Late Ottoman Istanbul in the Illustrated London News (1842-1922)”

Erika de Vivo, University of Edinburgh (1pm GMT), “Ethnological Curiosity, Racial Types, and the Circulation of Images and Imaginaries about Sami Peoples in 19th-century Italy. The cases of Cosmorama Pittorico and Teatro Universale

Kimberly Glassman, Queen Mary University & Kew Gardens (1pm GMT), “British Botanical Science in Victorian Quebec: Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec (1824-1867)”

Location: MRSH - Salle des Actes (SH 027) - This is a fully online panel (Zoom)

Chair : Emily Bell


3B. Labour Exchange

Kirstie Blair, University of Stirling, “‘Arise, Fellow Miners!’: Advocacy and Activism in British Miners’ Periodicals, 1840-1890”

Vic Clarke, Durham University, “Advertising Radicalism in the Northern Star

Camille Stallings, University of Oxford, “A Dangerous Sympathy: How the 1848 Revolutions Shaped Book Reviews of Mary Barton in the Periodical Press”

Location: MRSH - Lecture Hall

Chair :  Françoise Baillet


         3C.  Tides of Change - Directions of Growth

Ali Hatapçı, University of Burgundy, “’The Times of Horticulture’: The Currency of (Scientific) News in The Gardeners’ Chronicle, 1841-1900”

Hee Eun Helen Lee, University of Washington, “Embodied Currents of Botany in Victorian Periodical Poetry”

Kristin Kondrlik, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, “A Dangerous Healer: Feminist Crosscurrents in L.T. Meade’s Atalanta (1887-1898) and The Brotherhood of Seven Kings (1898)

Sara Lodge, University of St. Andrews, “Cash for Questions: Elizabeth Burgoyne Corbett’s Female Detectives, Journalism, and the Case of the Missing Income”

Location: Building B - Room B1 - 206a

Chair : Matt Poland


3D. Cultural Currency, Exemplarity, and Agency

Laura Blair, Queen Mary University of London, “‘We have all, at some time been mad’: Shaping the ‘Lunatic’ Identity through Patient Periodicals”

Rachel Bryant Davies, Queen Mary University of London, “Classical Currencies: Interacting with Exemplary Antiquity in Children’s Periodicals”

Clare Stainthorp, Queen Mary University of London, “Empowerment through Exemplary Biography in Freethought Periodicals”

Location: Building B - Room B1 - 206b

Chair : Helen Goodman


3:30 - 4:00         Break

Location: Aula Magna



4:00 - 5:30         Wolff Lecture - Alison Chapman, University of Victoria

“How can large-scale digital projects help us chart the myriad currents of Victorian periodical print? And how can we rethink our navigation through varying degrees of scale within this flow of information, from single contributions to quantitative patterns?”

Location: MRSH - Lecture Hall - Also accessible online (Zoom)

Chair: Alexis Easley



8:00 -                  Gala Conference Dinner

                Location: La Table des Matières. Bibliothèque Alexis de Toqueville, 15 Quai François Mitterrand, 14000 Caen.


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