Program > Online Panels

The 2023 RSVP Conference is our first post-pandemic in-person event.

In order to accommodate all our attendees, present or distant, plenaries and keynote addresses will be available in a hybrid format, as well as a number of slots, including the RSVP Annual General Meeting and one panel in each of the six sessions of the conference.

Please find here all hybrid panels, lectures and meetings:


Friday, July 7th

Zoom Link :



9:30 - 11:00        Session 1

1B. Periodical Undercurrents: Swimming Against the Mainstream Magazines

Chloé Clement, University of Angers, “’An outstretched hand’: Entering the Current of the British Suffrage Movement with the Women's Suffrage Journal

Marion Tempest Grant, York University, “Charting Undercurrents in the Victorian Periodical Press: Recovering and Recognizing the Contributions of Women to British Little Magazines”

Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Toronto Metropolitan University, “Undercurrents in Fin- de-Siècle Bayswater andContemporary Periodicals Scholarship: Launching The Venture: An Annual of Art and Literature

Chair : Sara Lodge

Zoom help: Baptiste


11:30 - 1:00        Session 2

2B. The Press, Sensation, and Social Unrest

Stephen Donovan, Uppsala University “Inside Stories: Undercover Journalism and the Victorian Prison”

Matthew Rubery, Queen Mary University of London, “Undercover Mother: Investigating Britain’s 'Baby Farming' Epidemic”

Jessica R. Valdez, University of East Anglia, “Sensational Neutrality: Adjudicating the Taiping Rebellion in The North China Herald”

Chair : Clare Stainthorp

Zoom help: Baptiste


1:00 - 2:00         RSVP Planning Committee


Zoom help: Sam


2:00 - 3:30        Session 3


3A.  Transnational Circulations (Online)

Laura Diaz-Esteve, Spanish National Research Council (2pm CET), “Against Britain’s ‘American Cousins’: the Singapore Free Press and the Spanish-American War”

Onur Engin, Independent Scholar (3pm TRT), “From Illustration to Photography: Late Ottoman Istanbul in the  Illustrated London News (1842-1922)”

Erika de Vivo, University of Edinburgh (1pm GMT), “Ethnological Curiosity, Racial Types, and the Circulation of Images and Imaginaries about Sami Peoples in 19th-century Italy. The cases of Cosmorama Pittorico and Teatro Universale

Kimberly Glassman, Queen Mary University & Kew Gardens (1pm GMT), “British Botanical Science in Victorian Quebec: Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec (1824-1867)”

Chair :Emily Bell

Zoom help: Sam


4:00 - 5:30         Wolff Lecture - Alison Chapman, University of Victoria


“How can large-scale digital projects help us chart the myriad currents of Victorian periodical print? And how can we rethink our navigation through varying degrees of scale within this flow of information, from single contributions to quantitative patterns?”

Chair: Alexis Easley

Zoom help: Camille


Saturday, July 8th

Zoom Link:



9:00 - 10:30        Session 4

4A. The English Channel: Anglo-French Crosscurrents

Myriam Boussahba, Le Havre Normandy University, “International Currents vs. British and French Wide Currencies: The Case Study of The International. A Review of the World’s Progress (1907-1909)”

Diana Cooper-Richet, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, “Galignani's Anglo-Parisian Periodical Press and its Transnational Flow of Information (1807-1850)”

Chieko Ichikawa, Nara Women's University, “Elizabeth Gaskell's Portraits of French Women: Female Networks and the Current of Gossip”

Melissa Sarikaya, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, “Periodical Crosscurrents: A. Mary F. Robinson as the Anglo-French Mediator”

Location: MRSH - Salle des Actes (SH 027)

Chair : Alison Chapman

Zoom help: Camille


11:00 - 12:30       Session 5

5B. Tides of Change - Women Writers

Elisa Jane Boyton, CUNY Graduate Center, “Divergences of Detail: What to do When the ‘Small Change’ Goes Missing in the Serialized Novel”

Antonella Braida, University of Lorraine, “Mary Margaret Busk’s Reviewing about Italy for Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine

Helena Goodwyn, Northumbria University, “Catching the Mainstream Current: Launching a Periodicals Career in the 1840s – Dinah Craik, a Case Study”

Chair : Alison Chapman

Zoom help: Sawab


1:30 - 3:00         RSVP Annual General Meeting


Zoom help: Sawab



3:00 - 4:30         Colby Lecture - Jennie Batchelor


The Lady’s Magazine (1770-1832) and the making of literary history (Edinburgh University Press, 2022).


Chair: Elizabeth Tilley

Zoom help: Sam



5:00 - 6:30         Session 6

6B.  Crosscurrents in Representation (Online)

Preeshita Biswas, Texas Christian University (10am CDT), “Transimperial Crosscurrents: Caricaturing Competitive Imperial Desires in The Japan Punch in 1862–1887”

Marissa Bolin, Hollins University (11am EDT), “The Crim. Con Gazette and the Nineteenth-Century Culture of Adultery”

Julie Codell, Arizona State University (8am MST), “Local, National, International: Ekphrasis and Geohistorical Crosscurrents of Victorian Art Collections”

Jennifer Phegley, University of Missouri-Kansas City (10am CDT), “Crosscurrents in the Periodical Press: Viral Reprinting and Intertextual Marketing in the Welcome Guest and the Halfpenny Journal

Chair : Candace Ward

Zoom help: Sam


If you have any questions regarding this hybrid option, please email



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